Dale Doty submitted this photo and note: “I couldn’t find any local aviation events to fly to so I just […]
New math and the unleaded future of general aviation
The search for an unleaded avgas continues, with four fuels still in the running and being evaluated by the FAA. […]
Aviation safety advocate, AOPA colleague mourned
Lifelong aviation safety advocate Russell Stuart Lawton died January 14 at the age of 70. His passion for aviation spanned […]
Scholarships for camp, college
Application windows are open for several scholarships, with awards set to arrive just as warmer weather returns. Source: aopaScholarships for […]

Keep your head up with iPad audio alerts
Keep your head up with iPad audio alerts iPad Pilot News The iPad is an engaging visual tool, but many […]
Picture of the Day: Traveling rainbow
Katie Detrick submitted this photo and note: “On an IFR flight in my DA40 from Venice to Naples, Florida, we […]
There’s an acronym for that
Aviation is awash in acronyms and abbreviations. Thankfully so. To spell out the entire word, term, or phrase the acronym […]
Picture of the Day: Green energy
Jim Stotts submitted this photo and note: “A lighted windsock! Driven by renewable energy.” Source: general aviationPicture of the Day: […]
Paying for pilots
How does a public charter school manage to offer private pilot certificates — for free — to any student who […]
Picture of the Day: Sierra flying
Terry Hayes submitted this photo and note: “Terry Hayes and her student enjoying the wonderful weather in the Sierra Foothills.” […]