Source: aopaBeyond Proficient: Unpredictable Upset
Inspiration, advice, jobs found at WAI conference
The annual Women in Aviation International Conference returned to California, offering a mix of inspiration and career opportunity. Source: aopaInspiration, […]
Pictures of the Day: The view available only to GA pilots
Wojciech Kosmalewski submitted this photo and note: “In 1932 two pilots from Poland won the Challenge International de Tourisme 1932 […]
Airports could close as search for unleaded fuel solution drags on
Communities could use the continued use of leaded fuel as a reason to close general aviation airports, GA advocates warn. […]
Schools Nationwide Receive $10 Million in FAA Grants to Develop the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals
WASHINGTON— Twenty-three schools will receive $10 million in grants from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to help attract and train […]
Picture of the Day: Shining in the sunset after a bath
Carlo Wise submitted this photo and note: “A photo of the Velocity XLRG after being given a bath. It was […]
GA’s image problem
Ask a random person on the street about the importance of general aviation to the United States and you’ll probably […]
Training and Safety Tip: Crosswind control
Learning to take off and land in a crosswind can be one of the more challenging skills for student pilots […]
Early Analysis In-flight breakup over Stagecoach, NV
Source: aopaEarly Analysis In-flight breakup over Stagecoach, NV
Drone Pilots: Mark Your Calendars
FAA Announces Drone Safety Day! Source: FAADrone Pilots: Mark Your Calendars