The climbing Cessna 172 was probably not visible from the overtaking Lancair 360 Mk II above it as the two […]

Product Review—MyGoFlight iPad Pro & Air Kneeboard/Mountable Sport Case Pro
Product Review—MyGoFlight iPad Pro & Air Kneeboard/Mountable Sport Case Pro iPad Pilot News Pilots demand reliability, durability, and functionality from […]
Junkers Michigan factory planned
The retro-themed, open-cockpit light sport aircraft based on classic designs created by aviation pioneer Hugo Junkers will soon be made […]
Texas Aircraft Stallion takes aim at Cessna Skylane
Texas Aircraft Manufacturing said it is conducting development flights with two prototypes of its Stallion, a four-place high wing special […]
Another strong year for aircraft makers
Sales of general aviation aircraft increased overall during 2024, with shipments topping 4,000 units for the second year in a […]
Aviation groups seek FAA stability, modernization
A coalition of 34 aviation organizations (including AOPA) called on leaders of Congress to support long-deferred air traffic control modernization […]
Training and Safety Tip: Preserve your night vision
Pirate. What image comes to mind when you read that word? Likely someone wearing an eye patch. Source: aopaTraining and […]
AOPA seeks ADS-B protections
AOPA asked acting FAA Administrator Chris Rocheleau to stop allowing ADS-B data to be used “for frivolous lawsuits, questionable enforcement […]

Fly Like A Local
As the app fly like a local begins to propagate users can begin to appreciate how useful the app is. […]

Why you should use ForeFlight’s Pack feature on every flight
Why you should use ForeFlight’s Pack feature on every flight iPad Pilot News ForeFlight is known for advanced features like […]