Miguel Nelson submitted this photo and note: “My 1943 Howard DGA-15P at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023, during the Wednesday night […]
British Bulldog is inspired Oregon creation
“This thing takes off like a bat out of hell,” said Oregon’s Ed Storos, who took two decades to build […]

iOS Update Green Light program: iOS and iPadOS 17.0.2
iOS Update Green Light program: iOS and iPadOS 17.0.2 iPad Pilot News Apple released iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 for […]
Picture of the Day: Rocky Mountain High
Rich Eisenberg submitted this photo and note: “Never get sick of these views! Flying in my CubCrafters NXCub at 15,500 […]
A proposal to move the goal posts
MOSAIC is a significant evolutionary step forward from the original light sport regulation that is now about 20 years old. […]
AOPA mourns death of Richard McSpadden
Richard McSpadden, senior vice president of the AOPA Air Safety Institute, was one of two people killed in an aircraft […]
DA-42 flies on sustainable aviation fuel
Diamond Aircraft and Austro Engine anticipate increasing the availability of ASTM D7566 SAF blends as a “drop-in” fuel for general […]
Increasing the safety of Idaho’s backcountry airstrips
The Idaho Division of Aeronautics has released a video demonstrating recommended standard operating procedures (SOPs) into and out of Johnson […]
Upgrade your next flight without upgrading your airplane
This compact device provides ADS-B traffic and weather services, an attitude-heading reference system (AHRS), and SiriusXM weather and entertainment—no installation […]
Upgrade your next flight without upgrading your airplane
This compact device provides ADS-B traffic and weather services, an attitude-heading reference system (AHRS), and SiriusXM weather and entertainment—no installation […]