In aviation, that comforting belief that our thoughts and actions are just as they should be, regardless of widely disseminated […]
Author: Jamie Beckett
Fly more, spend less, learn how
After more than a decade of working with individuals and groups to help establish and manage flying clubs, I’ve bumped […]
When ego trumps the FAA
It is the truly rare bird who sets out to cause mayhem. The vast majority of poor habits and shockingly […]
But I had the right of way…I think
There is a hard-core belief among the general population that if we have the right of way we can proceed […]
How am I doing coach?
Imagine the reaction if an NFL player said, “I’m good coach. I don’t need to practice this week.” That attitude […]
Share the joy when you can
After many years, so many annual inspections, multiple flight reviews, and an untold number of weather delays, it is possible […]
The profound value of the basics
Who among us hasn’t had a flight instructor in the right seat repeating the words, “right rudder” over and over […]
For the love of aeronautical surf n’ turf
Like many pilots who have had the opportunity to fly a wide assortment of airplanes, I’m occasionally asked, “what’s your […]
In celebration of the gift of lift
It’s magic. It’s science. It’s amazing. And even if we don’t understand exactly how it works, we can still take […]
Satisfaction deferred is still satisfying
There is a piece of me that is very glad I maintained my role in the right seat as a […]