Ben Visser, General Aviation News’s aviation fuels and lubricants expert, offers his top tips to get your aircraft engine to […]
Author: Ben Visser
What is fueling high gas prices?
Even with the lead out, the price and competition in the avgas market will probably not change much. Source: general […]
How often should you change your airplane’s oil?
The mechanic listed an oil change as part of the inspection, even though the aircraft had been flown just 12 […]
Protecting the exhaust valves on aircraft
With all the news about the development of unleaded avgas, some pilots may be concerned about the potential of exhaust […]
What’s in a word?
When unleaded aviation fuel is finally available, how will that impact the oil in your airplane’s engine? Will it mean […]
Cold weather and your aircraft’s engine oil
If you are breaking in a new or rebuilt engine on mineral oil during the coldest part of the year, […]
Multigrade vs. single grade oil: Which is best for your airplane?
It’s the most often-asked question for our expert: What oil should I use in my airplane. Is a multigrade oil […]
Getting the lead out is just the first step
Most pilots think once they start flying with unleaded fuel, general aviation will no longer be polluting the air. A […]
Tips for storing an idle engine
What is the best way to store an engine — whether it’s just for the winter or a much longer […]
What happens when the wrong fuel is added to a storage tank?
What happens to a fuel’s octane rating when two fuels are accidentally mixed in a storage tank? Source: general aviationWhat […]