Picture of the Day: Mom, 94, flies with twin sons

Francois Badenhorst submitted this photo and note: “My Mom got her pilot’s certificate in 1946 in a Tiger Moth. Her Father flew a Piper Cub in the 1930s and 1940s and a Piper Vagabod in the 1950s and 1960s. My late father was a flying orthopedic surgeon. She flew up with my twin brother in my late father’s Jabby SP from the Northwest Province to Limpopo Province in South Africa where I took her for a flip over the farm in my Aquilla Trike. She flew in two different provinces in two different aircraft with her twin sons, Jacques on the left and me on the right, all in a day.”
Source: general aviationPicture of the Day: Mom, 94, flies with twin sons

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