The FAA Reminds You to Register Your Drone

February 16– The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is reminding drone owners about this weeks registration deadline.

If you own a droneweighingmore than0.55 lbs. but less than 55 lbs., and youvebeen flying it outdoors or plan to fly it outdoors for hobby or recreation,federal law requires you toregister bythis Friday,February 19, 2016.

Registration is simple. You can register online at it costs only $5and is valid for three years. Once you complete the registration process, you will receive a certificate and an FAA registration number whichmust be marked on all unmanned aircraft that meet the registration weight requirement. You must have your certificate with you when you fly. You can print your certificate or saveit to your personal electronic device, like your smartphone, or do both.

Besides being required by law, registration provides an excellent opportunity to educate yourself if you are new to aviation, and it will help you become part of the safety culture that has been the hallmark of traditional aviation for more than a century, said FAA Administrator Michael Huerta.

More than 342,000 people have already registered. Failure to register with the FAA couldresult in one or a combination of the following: a civil penaltyofupto $27,500; acriminal fine of up to $250,000;imprisonment for up to three years.

Note to broadcast media: Please download audio and video sound bites from FAA Administrator Michael Huerta:

(Audio) If you own a drone weighing more than .55 lbs. but less than 55 lbs.,and you have been flying itoutdoorsforhobby orrecreation prior to December 21, 2015,Federal law requires you to registerwith the FAA by February 19.

(Audio) Registration is simple, it costs only $5 and you can do it online at Once you complete the registration process, you will receive a certificate and an FAA registration number. Mark it on all unmanned aircraft that meet the registration weight requirement. You must have your certificate with you when you fly. You can print your certificate or saveit to your personal electronic device, like your smartphone, or you can do both. Registration is valid for three years.

(Audio) If you own adroneyou areresponsibleforunderstandingthe airspace rules before you fly.Read your pre-flight safety checklist on and fly safely.

(Audio) If you own a drone you are now part of the aviation community and its your responsibilitybefore you flyto register, to understand the airspace rules and to fly safely.

(Audio) If you own a drone that you’re flying for hobby or recreation, get registered before you fly. Know your pre-flight checklist. And encourage your friends and family to register before they fly at

(Video) If you own a droneweighing about more than .55 lbs. but less than 55 lbs., and youve been flying it outdoors prior to December 21, 2015 for hobby or recreation, federal law requires you toregister by February 19th. Registration is quick and easy. You can do it online at, it costs only $5and its valid for three years. Flying a drone in the national airspace system means that you’re now part of the aviation community. So we need you to registerandunderstand the airspace rules before you fly.We want you to enjoy your hobby and fly safely.

Source: FAAThe FAA Reminds You to Register Your Drone

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