AIR awards inaugural scholarship

Caitlin Lyons1

OSHKOSH — Aircraft insurance broker, Aviation Insurance Resources (AIR), revealed the winner of its  inaugural “Get into the AIR” aviation scholarship at this year’s AirVenture.

The competition was fierce, but the AIR scholarship committee ultimately decided on an aircraft dispatcher who stood out from the rest of the applications, Caitlin Lyons.

Caitlin Lyons1

Filled with lofty goals, Caitlin’s determination is unmatched, according to company officials. During her private pilot training, Caitlin lived in Manhattan without a car. Her commute to a general aviation airport consisted of 1- ½ hours by train, followed by a three mile walk one way, all while working full time.

Caitlin’s career change to an aircraft dispatcher brought her to California where she has begun advanced training.

She is a member of Girls with Wings, The Ninety-Nines and Women of Aviation. In her spare time, she enjoys speaking to others about aviation, especially women and children.

Caitlin Lyons

Caitlin will be using the $500 scholarship to kick start training for her instrument rating. She plans to complete her instrument rating, commercial rating, as well as her CFII and MEI within the next two years.

You can keep up-to-date with Caitlin’s career progress on her blog at

Source: http://generalaviationnews.comAIR awards inaugural scholarship

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