Bret Koebbe Hosting EAA Webinar

Learn more about the Stratus ESG

Wednesday, June 15, 8pm

With the ADS-B 2020 mandate looming, Sporty’s Bret Koebbe discusses what new for the various ADS-B options available. Attend this webinar and learn all about the NextGen ADS-B system infrastructure, and options for panel-mount and portable ADS-B receivers, allowing you to take advantage of the traffic and weather situational awareness the system provides.


koebbeBret Koebbe is vice president and senior flight instructor for Sporty’s Academy. In addition to Bret’s teaching responsibilities, Bret leads Sporty’s video production and app development team and serves as editor of the popular iPad Pilot News online journal. As an airline transport pilot, Bret is a senior captain in Sporty’s corporate flight department.  His presentations throughout the country regularly reach capacity.

Source: SportysBret Koebbe Hosting EAA Webinar

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