May 12– The May/June 2016 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on the rapidly changing world of technology and the important role it plays in GA safety. Articles cover everything from unmanned aircraft to commercial space operations, to how the FAA helps champion the power of technology in making flying safer and more efficient.
Feature articles include:
- Welcome to the William J. Hughes Technical Center The Happiest Place in Aviation Tech! (p. 8),
- eLogbook Logistics Considerations for Moving from Paper Log to Digital Login (p. 11),
- X-Ray Vision and Alphabet Soup Decoding GA Vision Systems (p. 25)
In this issues Jumpseat department (p.1), Flight Standards Service Director John Duncan talks about the expanding role of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), while Checklist (p. 21) explains how the new Airman Certification Standards (ACS) meets the Apple test for design and functionality. Also, be sure to check out the article, From Prescriptive to Performance-Based, (p.7), for more on how the FAAs proposed Part 23 rule could affect you.
FAA Safety Briefing is the safety policy voice for the non-commercial general aviation community. The magazine’s objective is to improve safety by:
- making the community aware of FAA resources
- helping readers understand safety and regulatory issues, and
- encouraging continued training
Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter-@FAASafetyBrief
Source: FAANew Technologies for GA Pilots, Planes and Airports