Joe Fortman sent in these photos, along with this story: “I just found out that my daughter took this wonderful picture on the morning of Aug. 21, 2015, with her iPhone from the backseat of a 1976 Cessna 177B Cardinal. My son was also with me in the co-pilot’s seat as we flew from Plymouth, Michigan, down to Port Clinton, Ohio, to visit the Liberty Aviation Museum.

Outside the Liberty Aviation Museum.
We had lunch at the fun 1950s-style Tin Goose Diner, which is adjacent to the museum, and toured the various airplanes and aviation related items. This is a great place to visit!

At the Tin Goose Diner.
The picture was taken from the far western edge of Lake Erie near the Michigan-Ohio border. The islands seen beneath the clouds are about 25-30 nm away. It was a very clear morning!
From left to right, the islands are Pelee (Canada), North Bass, Middle Bass, South Bass, Kelleys and the larger one that goes off the picture to the right is Catawba Island.

Lake Erie Islands by Port-Clinton, Ohio.
The first fiveĀ islands listed all have general aviation airports servicing them.
After leaving Port Clinton, we headed over to Kelleys Island to land, but decided to go around when I saw dozens of birds on the grass near short final for Runway 27. So, we circled over the island to gain altitude and then headed south over Cedar Point Amusement Park before heading west for the return flight.

Lake Erie Islands near Sandusky, Ohio.
What a wonderful day and one that makes me thrilled to be a GA pilot!”
Source: http://generalaviationnews.comPictures of the day: Blue sky and blue water