Picture of the Day: Hannah’s first flight

Nathan Mackey submitted this photo and note: “I have been in love with aviation since I was 4 years old. This Saturday I got to ride along with my daughter, Hannah, who just turned 4 last month, on her first airplane ride. It was a very special flight as it was in Helio Courier s/n 001, N242B, made in 1954. I flew in this airplane from 1998-2004 as a volunteer with JAARS to various airshows, including Oshkosh. N242B’s owner flew from Texas to JAARS in North Carolina to attend a private fly-in and to give Hannah her first airplane ride. Hannah’s comment when we rose above the trees was, “Wow! I can see EVERYTHING!” Here’s to many more years of flying for Hannah.”
Source: general aviationPicture of the Day: Hannah’s first flight

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